Nature-Inspired Feelings

In 2020, Nature-Inspired Feelings was born…

Sarah Bruno and Laurie Aman from Hello From the Cocoon created this tool for you to go beyond words, tune into yourself, and connect with your intuition. Sarah and Laurie were finding it difficult to answer the question, “How are you?” with answers like, “I’m good, fine, hanging in there!” Their internal landscape of emotions and sensations were constantly ebbing and flowing…

This is when they turned to nature to help them out. In the years they have been using Nature-Inspired Feelings together, they’ve also noticed a drastic increase in their ability to feel how another person feels. It’s a wonderful tool to develop connection and empathy.

Another added bonus to using Nature-Inspired Feelings is that studies have discovered that being in nature replenishes you when your batteries are feeling depleted; giving you more motivation and energy. Even just looking at pictures of nature or doing your own visualization for as little as 60 seconds can help you strengthen the ability to transition from one activity to the next. 

This short video is a meditative guide to help you get started!

Sarah and Laurie invite you to try it out for yourself and use it with your loved ones.

Take a few moments to observe how you feel…any emotions, sensations, energies, etc. Then describe or embody that feeling using anything in Nature. Feel free to keep it short and sweet or as elaborate and detailed as you like. Play and have fun!

Here are a few examples:

  • A juicy and ripe strawberry feeling fulfilled with life

  • A rabbit with big ears perked up and ready to listen - open and receptive

  • A peaceful, calm lake holding space for things to unfold

  • A rainstorm of cleansing and hydrating energy

  • A tall and strong sunflower, radiant and abundant